Pollinate Health was founded by Jimmy Goulis and Trinity Frederick. Jimmy is a masters-qualified clinician with more than 20 years’ experience locally, globally and in the hospital system and private practice.
Trinity is a communications specialist with vast experience in the healthcare industry. She has also worked at the cutting edge of healthcare’s digital transformation and has extensive business management expertise.
We eventually asked: “With such a strong shared passion for everything related to health, why don’t we combine our expertise and open a health hub to service the needs of our local community?”
Pollinate Health came to being soon after.
Inspiration from pollination
To explain the name a little, pollination is when a bee jumps from flower to flower. They very often cross pollinate from one species to another, creating better, stronger plants.
Taking inspiration from this process, our goal is to source expertise from as many different health professionals as we can to solve your problem. By cross pollinating, we will bring fresh ideas to the table, look at your condition from all angles and provide you with the best outcome possible.
Meet our, team
Jimmy Goulis
Director, Managing Director
Titled APA Musculoskeletal Physiotherapist