Getting on Top of Neck Pain

Neck pain is most commonly associated with the whiplash injury many people involved in a car crash experience, but there are a variety of other causes. The key to addressing neck pain is a thorough assessment, which results in a diagnosis you can have faith in. This means that an appropriate plan can be put in place to manage and rehabilitate the neck, which decreases the likelihood of permanent disability and a recurrence of the issue.

Getting to the heart of upper back pain

People often worry about lower back and neck pain while completely ignoring their upper back. They’re having a lot of treatment on their lower backs and necks, but very often, their upper back, also known as the thoracic spine, is the true source of their discomfort. As we get older, we get stiffer and lose mobility in the upper back. That’s why it’s important to always consider the upper back when assessing spinal pain, because over time, our bodies will no longer let us ignore its presence.

Getting to the bottom of your lower back pain

The idea of having lower back pain strikes fear in most of us. Many people believe that the lower back is fragile and once injured is slow to heal and might result in permanent disability. The lumbar spine is in fact not too different from any other structure in the human body. It’s actually very robust, look at what AFL players put their bodies through! The key is receiving an accurate assessment and diagnosis so you understand your injury, the rehab required and how to prevent lumbar pain from coming back.

How to run your fastest marathon time with the 80/20 training plan


As a physiotherapist and a 2.31 marathon PB runner, I have learnt the hard way that the three laws of marathon running are: #1 don’t get injured. #2 don’t get injured. #3 don’t get injured. The 80/20 training plan allows you to run more mileage, train more consistently and have a greater chance of hitting a marathon PB.

What is Achilles tendinopathy? How is it diagnosed and managed?


As physiotherapist who has undergone surgery for my own Achilles tendinopathy, I understand the importance of early diagnosis and management. The biggest mistake people make is ignoring a grumbling Achilles. There are always early warning signs; just because you can keep training, doesn’t mean you should.

What to do when you have knee pain


The knee joint is a masterpiece of engineering and design. There are many different structures working in harmony to take us from A to B. But when things go wrong, it’s difficult to isolate the true cause of the problem, so seeking expertise in knee assessment and management is important.